Edit Mode vs Preview Mode

This topic explains the two Client Letter views that are available in the Client Communication Manager.

From an open return, click the Forms menu; then, select Client Letter.

Client Communication Manager (Edit Mode)

Upon opening the desired letter or template, the Client Letter has two views:

  • Edit Mode, (pictured above) which is the default mode, shows you all the variables and makeup of the template.
  • Preview Mode, (pictured below) which is visible when you select the Preview Mode radio button on the toolbar, allows you to preview the letter as it would appear in final form. So, instead of seeing the variables in the letter, you will see the actual data from the return plugged into the letter.

If you are unable to see the Edit Mode and Preview Mode radio buttons on the toolbar, either increase the size of the Client Communication Manager window by clicking and dragging an edge or corner or click the button on the toolbar.

Client Communication Manager (Preview Mode)

The Client Communication Manager must be opened from an open return in order to access Preview Mode. If the Client Communication Manager is opened from the Return Manager, Preview Mode will be unavailable as will the Variables pane.